About Us
About Us
Cool Products is founded and owned by Per skærbæk Nielsen and Lars Vetter. We have both more than 30 years of experience in the industrial refrigeration business.
Per Skærbæk Nielsen is the owner and CEO of Cool Partners which is a well-known consulting company in the industrial refrigeration industry. It is the extensive experience and know how of Cool partners which is condensed into the design of the products manufactured by Cool Products.
Lars Vetter is the founder and CEO of Atlas sales who is the worldwide sales company for Cool Products. Lars Vetter has been selling products to and for the industrial refrigeration industry all over the world for more than 30 years. The knowledge gained about the refrigeration business enables Atlas to sell the right product to full fill the customer’s needs.
Cool Products:
Cool Products is a highly specialized company developing, manufacturing, and selling products for the industrial refrigeration industry. The products are special made for optimization and energy savings on large industrial refrigeration systems. The trademark for Cool Products is to turn a deep understanding of the industrial refrigeration systems into designing the products as smart, simple and efficient as possible.